Thursday, November 8, 2007

trailers-1 VALKyRIE

A bunch of famous actors trying to kill Hitler.
*SPOILER ALERT* they fail.
Directed by Bryan Singer and for once not featuring an obviously gay actor in the lead of one of his movies.

click HERE

Movie review-2

American Gangster

Ridley Scott changes direction style once again to deliver an amazing movie. Is it "the Unforgiven" of gangster movies, as some people alleged? No. But is it a great movie? Hell yes. The scene with the two leads in a room is all what Deniro and Pacino couldn't do in "Heat" because of the botox freezing their face muscles. The camera work seems to awknowledge the carisma of the two leads and services the performances, rather than razzle-dazzle the audience. The only thing a little worrying is the "where are they now" part, at the end of the film. Watch it and you'll understand what I mean. No spoiler at Mondoceccotto.